structural foam molding machine

Meet Port Erie’s New Structural Foam Molding Machine

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Meet Port Erie’s New Structural Foam Molding Machine Port Erie Plastics has just received our new structural foam molding machine. We have added the 1000 SSWP LPIM structural foam molding machine to our list of best-in-class machinery. This machine has many features that will allow our team to take on more structural foam molding projects. […]

structural foam design guide

Explore the Structural Foam Design Guide

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Explore the Structural Foam Design Guide The design process for structural foam molding can be complicated, so it is crucial to take every aspect of the product and production process into consideration. From wall thickness to material flow to Design for Manufacturability, our team at Port Erie Plastics has written a structural foam design guide […]

structural foam molding companies

What to Look For In Structural Foam Molding Companies

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What to Look For In Structural Foam Molding Companies When looking for structural foam molding companies, it can be overwhelming trying to find the best fit for your project and your business. Luckily, there are a few things you can look out for when choosing your structural foam molding manufacturer. Our team has outlined them […]

HDPE properties

Why Use HDPE In Structural Foam Molding? HDPE Properties and Uses

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Why Use HDPE In Structural Foam Molding? HDPE Properties and Uses When you are choosing a material for your structural foam molding project, it is important to understand the properties, uses, advantages, and disadvantages of each material. One of the most common materials used in structural foam molding is HDPE, however, it may not be […]

structural foam molding process

Explore the Structural Foam Molding Process From Design to Warehousing

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Explore the Structural Foam Molding Process From Design to Warehousing Structural foam molding is a manufacturing process that is used to produce large-tonnage products. This process provides companies with numerous benefits, including its cost-effectiveness for the production of large parts, high moldability, and high durability. In this blog, we will walk you through the entire […]

structural foam molding troubleshooting

Structural Foam Molding Troubleshooting: Common Problems and Their Solutions

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Structural Foam Molding Troubleshooting: Common Problems and Their Solutions While structural foam molding is a very popular manufacturing process, some common issues can pop up during production. Fortunately, an experienced structural foam molding partner will be able to easily overcome and resolve these issues. So, what does structural foam molding troubleshooting look like? Let’s explore […]

Plastics Processing Blog

Exploring the Wide Variety of Structural Foam Products

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Exploring the Wide Variety of Structural Foam Products Due to the nature of the plastics used and the manufacturing process itself, structural foam products have many benefits. The structural foam molding process is a popular manufacturing method used to create large-tonnage products because it is a low-pressure process. It puts far less stress on the […]

structural foam plastic

What Are the Most Common Structural Foam Plastics?

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What Are the Most Common Structural Foam Plastics? As a popular manufacturing process, structural foam molding has become increasingly popular for creating large-tonnage plastic products. Structural foam plastic offers many benefits including design flexibility, high moldability, and durability.  There are two common types of structural foam plastic used in this manufacturing process, each of which […]

Plastics Processing Blog

Structural Foam Polyethylene: Properties and Products

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Structural Foam Polyethylene: Properties and Products Polyethylene is a polymer commonly used in structural foam molding due to its various beneficial properties. Due to its affordability, easy availability, and numerous beneficial properties, this polymer is the most common type of consumer plastic and is used in everyday materials and products. Properties of Structural Foam Polyethylene […]

structural foam plastic

Advantages of Structural Foam Molding You Should Consider

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Advantages of Structural Foam Molding You Should Consider Structural foam molding is a plastic manufacturing method that is used to create cost-effective, large-tonnage plastic products. During this process, nitrogen gas or a chemical blowing agent is mixed in with a melting polymer. This polymer mixture is then injected into a mold under low pressure. As […]