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Meet Port Erie’s New Structural Foam Molding Machine

Meet Port Erie’s New Structural Foam Molding Machine

Port Erie Plastics has just received our new structural foam molding machine. We have added the 1000 SSWP LPIM structural foam molding machine to our list of best-in-class machinery. This machine has many features that will allow our team to take on more structural foam molding projects. Let’s explore some of the specs and upgrades of our 1000 SSWP LPIM structural foam machine.

The Specs of the 1000 SSWP LPIM Structural Foam Molding Machine

This machine has a Sepro dual-arm 5-axis servo robot. It has the ability to handle 100 kg or 220 lbs. The 1000 ton machine is positioned underneath a new 25-ton crane with a 10-ton kicker.

The platen dimensions are also 186” x 103”, a massive increase from our current 98” x 89” on our 500 ton machines. This structural foam machine has a tie bar distance of 144” x 60” compared to our current 58.5” x 67.5”, and a tie bar diameter of 11”.

There are two extruders on the machine, each of which can extrude 100 lbs PS, and the total output of the machine is 4,800 lbs per hour. Plus, it has an accumulator volume of 3,000 cubic inches.

Upgrades of the 1000 SSWP LPIM

Our new 1000 SSWP LPIM structural foam molding machine offers many upgrades that will improve our structural foam molding production processes. The maximum daylight of the machine is from 150” to 120”, allowing us to handle larger molds. It also has increased sequential nozzle controls from 32 to 48 and increased nozzle temperature zones from 32 to 48. There are also increased manifold extension controls from 20 to 40 zones.

Our New Structural Foam Machine Will Allow Us to Take Your Projects to the Next Level

With this new machine up and running, we will be able to take on more structural foam molding projects. Our team has over 70 years of experience in the structural foam molding industry and has taken on projects in many different industries.

We currently have the ability to create parts up to 7.5 feet in length and with wall thicknesses between 0.200” and 0.500”. With this new machine, we will be able to create larger parts and further expand our structural foam molding capabilities.

Our team primarily works with polyethylene and polypropylene on our structural foam molding projects due to their beneficial properties, including chemical resistance and durability. We can help you determine which of the two is best suited for your project based on industry, application, and design.

We are here to help you from beginning to end. From designing your structural foam molds to the production process to finishing and assembly to warehousing and distribution.

Partner with Port Erie for Your Structural Foam Molding Projects

We are the experts in structural foam molding, however, we also have the capabilities needed to complete your injection molding projects as well. Our team is here to help you with all of your plastic project needs.

Contact our team today to see how you can get the most out of our new structural foam machine.

Explore the Structural Foam Design Guide

Explore the Structural Foam Design Guide

The design process for structural foam molding can be complicated, so it is crucial to take every aspect of the product and production process into consideration. From wall thickness to material flow to Design for Manufacturability, our team at Port Erie Plastics has written a structural foam design guide to help you make the process as smooth as possible.

Structural Foam Molded Product Design

To start creating your structural foam molding product, you will need to start with your product design. The design for your product needs to be finished before the structural foam part can be quoted.  Port Erie doesn’t do product design, but we are more than willing to get involved in the process with expert input on manufacturability.

When designing your product for the structural foam molding process, you will need to take a few things into consideration. Your structural foam molding partner will also be able to assist you where needed, but here are some of the main considerations to make:

Wall Thickness

When using the structural foam molding process, it is possible to create products with thicker walls. Prior to starting production, it is important to determine the optimal wall thickness for your product.

The walls of your product need to be thicker than 0.25” because thin walls won’t allow for the necessary chemical reaction that occurs during the structural foam process to create the honeycomb interior. You will also need to consider the wall thickness because it can impact the structural integrity and appearance of your piece — thin walls may reduce the structural strength of your product, but thick walls can cause cosmetic deformities.

Design for Manufacturability (DFM)

The Design for Manufacturability process includes designing and engineering a product to facilitate the manufacturing process. This can help lead to reduced manufacturing costs and faster production so you can get your products on the market faster. At Port Erie, our team of plastic engineers will evaluate your design and address any issues that may negatively impact the manufacturing process or the mold build process.


You will also need to determine which material is best suited for your product. Commonly, polyethylene is used for many structural foam molded products, however, there are some other options to consider. Some of the properties you should consider include load-bearing, shock absorption, chemical resistance, UV resistance, weather resistance, and temperature resistance.

The material that you choose may impact the design of your product and the mold used to create it. If you come to Port Erie with a material in mind, our engineers will take a look at your design and the application of your product to make sure that it will work. And, if not, they can suggest alternatives.

Designing the Structural Foam Mold

Once your product design is finalized and you’ve chosen the material you are going to use in the production of your product, the designing of your structural foam mold can begin. When doing so, we will take various aspects of your mold into account, but the biggest are draft angles, material flow, and ventilation.

Draft Angles

This design feature is used to help release the part from its mold. Since structural foam molding is a low-pressure process, smaller draft angles can be used compared to standard injection molding. However, if you have a thinner structural foam wall, then you will need to make sure your draft angles are large enough. This is because there will be a higher pressure in the cavity when creating thin-walled parts, making it difficult to release the part from the mold.

Material Flow

Material flow is an important consideration to ensure that the structural foam mold is properly filled. If the material flow is inconsistent, too fast, or too slow, the material will not fill the mold properly and the final product will not be able to function as it was intended to.

Proper Ventilation

Ensuring your mold is designed with ventilation in mind is critical to make sure your product comes out of the mold exactly as you imagined it. Proper ventilation within your structural foam molds will prevent sink marks and warping, while also improving issues with improper part filling.

Want to Learn More About Our Structural Foam Design Guide? Reach Out to Port Erie Today

At Port Erie Plastics, we want to make sure we can help you with your structural foam molding and injection molding projects from beginning to end. Our team of talented plastic engineers will help you make sure your product and molds are designed to be produced efficiently. We will also make sure that your structural foam molds are produced properly and are of the highest quality so that during production, we can ensure that your products come out of the molds exactly as you imagined them.

Contact our team today to learn more about our structural foam molding design capabilities.

What to Look For In Structural Foam Molding Companies

What to Look For In Structural Foam Molding Companies

When looking for structural foam molding companies, it can be overwhelming trying to find the best fit for your project and your business. Luckily, there are a few things you can look out for when choosing your structural foam molding manufacturer. Our team has outlined them below.

What Polymers Do They Work With?

Some structural foam molding companies use specific polymers in their structural foam molding processes. When choosing your structural foam molding partner, it is important to ensure that they have access to and experience working with the polymers your application requires.

At Port Erie, we work with polyethylene and polypropylene for structural foam molding projects. Both of these polymers have many beneficial properties. Polyethylene is durable and lightweight with excellent load-bearing, shock absorption, and resistance to chemicals and moisture. Polypropylene is a rigid and lightweight polymer that has excellent compression and impact resistance as well as chemical and moisture resistance.

Do They Have Experience With the Process?

Working with an experienced structural foam molding company can make a world of difference. This experience allows your chosen structural foam molding partner to seamlessly perform the production process while being able to identify and fix any issues that may come up over the course of the project.

Port Erie has over 60 years of experience in the structural foam molding industry. We have taken on countless projects and have helped numerous clients improve their structural foam process or move their projects to structural foam molding. See how we helped one of our construction clients redesign their trench drains for the structural foam molding process, improving the quality of the product while reducing production times in our case study.

Do They Provide Assistance Throughout the Process?

Knowing that your project is moving smoothly can put your mind at ease and allow you to focus on other important aspects of your business. Working with a manufacturer who is there for you from start to finish can ensure your projects run smoothly, saving you time and money.

At Port Erie, we assign a plastics engineer to each project. Our engineers will help you with your project from start to finish. They can assist in improving your designs, source alternative resins, and provide insight on potential improvements to your tooling. To learn more about the specifics of what our plastic engineers do for your project, check out our blog.

What Other Services Do They Offer?

When you work with a structural foam manufacturer that offers other services, you won’t have to find a second or third partner, saving you time and money. These services may include tooling and mold design, secondary operations, and more.

Port Erie is here to take on all of your plastic projects. We have capabilities to create products through structural foam molding as well as custom injection molding and automated injection molding. We also offer additional services aside from manufacturing processes. With our mold design and tooling transfer services, we are able to design and create everything you need to complete your project. Additionally, we offer secondary operations services, including assembly, decorating, and more so your products look exactly as you imagined when they leave our facility. Once your project is finished, we are able to warehouse them and help with distribution.

How Do They Treat Their Customers?

Exceptional customer service allows manufacturers to forge strong relationships with their customers. In doing so, they open up lines of communication between manufacturer and customer so the process runs as smoothly as possible and the client receives the product they expect.

The team at Port Erie is more transparent than other structural foam molding companies. We strive to provide excellent customer service and open communication so you know exactly what is going on in the production of your product each step of the way. Not only do we respond quickly so you are always in the know, but we offer tours of our manufacturing facility so you know what you are getting into before the project even begins.

Choosing Between Structural Foam Molding Companies? Partner with Port Erie

When you partner with Port Erie for your structural foam molding projects, you will have access to the plastic engineer assigned to your project so you are always in the know. Additionally, we are able to assemble and decorate your products with our secondary operations and warehouse your products once they are completed. And, if you need, we can help with distribution.

Contact our team today to get started.

Why Use HDPE In Structural Foam Molding? HDPE Properties and Uses

Why Use HDPE In Structural Foam Molding? HDPE Properties and Uses

When you are choosing a material for your structural foam molding project, it is important to understand the properties, uses, advantages, and disadvantages of each material. One of the most common materials used in structural foam molding is HDPE, however, it may not be the right material for your specific application. Our team has outlined HDPE properties, uses, and disadvantages to help you determine if this material is right for your project.

HDPE Properties

HDPE is a thermoplastic polymer whose molecules are packed closely together, giving it a higher density than other forms of polyethylene. This gives HDPE its name: high density polyethylene. The density of this material gives it many advantageous properties that may be ideal for structural foam molding projects. Some of the most beneficial HDPE properties include:

High Strength-to-Weight Ratio

HDPE in structural foam molding is lighter than straight injection molded parts and is often lighter than metal parts. However, despite its lightweight nature, it is remarkably strong. This allows HDPE to be used in applications where strength and light weight are needed. Its strength-to-weight ratio allows HDPE to efficiently resist loads and retain its shape when subjected to difficult loads.

Low Moisture Absorption

The low moisture absorption of HDPE means that the material does not absorb much water from the air. Low moisture absorption makes HDPE more dimensionally stable in environments where water is present, such as outdoor applications and chemical containers.

High Impact Strength and Durability

HDPE is an extremely durable material. It can withstand wear, breakage, and deterioration over time, giving it a long life. Additionally, it exhibits great impact strength, allowing it to withstand sudden forces.

Chemical Resistance

Since HDPE is resistant to many chemicals, it is able to be used in a wide range of applications without concern that it will break down. This material is resistant to water, solvents, acids, detergents, and cleaning fluids.


With so many beneficial properties, HDPE is a common material choice for a variety of industries and applications. Regarding structural foam molding projects, there are a few common uses for HDPE.

Chemical Containers

With HDPE’s chemical resistance, low moisture absorption, durability, and lightweight nature, it is a great choice for chemical containers. The plastic won’t break down in the presence of chemicals, won’t absorb too much water from the air around it, and these containers won’t be damaged with ordinary everyday use.

Pipe Systems

Pipes carry many materials, from water to chemicals to gasses and more. The chemical resistance of HDPE along with its durability and low moisture absorption ensure that HDPE pipes are able to withstand the constant flow of water, chemicals, or other materials.

Gardening Equipment

Again, the chemical resistance of HDPE allows it to be used in gardening equipment because it won’t break down in the presence of fertilizers, weed killer, grass killer, or other chemicals commonly used in the yard.

Disadvantageous HDPE Properties

While HDPE is a great material for many applications and has many advantageous properties, there are a few HDPE properties that may imply it is not the best option for your project.

Poor Weather Resistance

While HDPE is a durable material, it cannot withstand certain weather conditions. For example, HDPE may break down when exposed to UV light for extended periods of time, making it difficult to use in outdoor applications.


HDPE is a flammable material so you must be careful about what you use HDPE for. This material should not be used in applications where it will be around fire or other flammable materials.

Sensitive to Stress Cracking

Again, HDPE is a durable material, however, it is prone to stress cracking. This means that under too much constant pressure, products made from HDPE may crack.

Experience HDPE Properties with Port Erie’s Structural Foam Molding Services

If you are still unsure if HDPE is the right polymer for your structural foam molding projects, Port Erie is here to help. We will assign a plastics engineer to your project who helps you make sure your materials are ideal for your applications and continues to make sure the production runs smoothly. In addition to helping you with your material selection, our team can take on your large-tonnage structural foam molding projects with ease.

After production, we also offer secondary services such as assembly, decorating, and more to make sure your projects are exactly as you imagine them. Once your product is completed, we can warehouse it for you in our facilities.

If you are ready to get started on your HDPE structural foam molding project, contact our team today!

Explore the Structural Foam Molding Process From Design to Warehousing

Explore the Structural Foam Molding Process From Design to Warehousing

Structural foam molding is a manufacturing process that is used to produce large-tonnage products. This process provides companies with numerous benefits, including its cost-effectiveness for the production of large parts, high moldability, and high durability. In this blog, we will walk you through the entire structural foam molding process, from design to warehousing.

How Does the Structural Foam Molding Process Work?


The first process you must complete is the part design. During this process, our plastics engineers will help you design your part for manufacturability and decide on the right materials. Design for Manufacturability, or DFM, is the process of designing parts for easy manufacturing, saving you time and money during the process.

Next, you will need to design your structural foam mold. Again, our engineers will work with you to help determine the best mold design for your product. They take into consideration the specifications of your product, your product’s application, and the material you are using.


The structural foam production process starts by mixing a melted polymer with nitrogen gas and/or a chemical blowing agent. This mixture is then injected into your structural foam mold under low pressure. The polymer then cools as it touches the walls of the mold. Forming a solid exterior with a honeycomb interior leads to a lightweight product compared to straight injection molding.

Secondary Operations

Secondary operations are done after the manufacturing process in order to make sure your products live up to your standards. This process includes assembly, decorating, and fabrication. Some of the most common services include drilling holes, kitting your products, and decorating them through pad printing, heat transfer, and hot stamping. This allows your products to perfectly meet your needs and your application as soon as they get to their final destination.


Finding a place to store your products after production can be difficult. Luckily, at Port Erie, we offer warehousing services for your products. We take your product directly from the production floor to one of our various warehouses or storage facilities. In providing you with warehousing services, you don’t have to worry about finding another partner or paying for transportation, saving you valuable time and money.


Getting your products to their final destinations will end the structural foam molding process. On-time delivery is crucial to the satisfaction of your customers. Port Erie Plastics offers distribution services from our warehousing facilities, including on-time delivery, client reports, EDI capabilities, lot control, and JIT delivery.

Port Erie Handles Your Entire Structural Foam Molding Process

From start to finish, Port Erie is here to tackle your structural foam molding projects. Our team has been in the plastics industry since 1953 and has had the experience needed to take on even the most complex of projects.

Our team has the experience and capabilities to complete nearly any injection molding and structural foam molding project. We pair you with a skilled plastics engineer to ensure your design is the best it can be and that your production process runs smoothly. Additionally, with our secondary operations and distribution and warehousing services, we can be your partner for the entirety of the process.

If you are ready to start the structural foam molding process, contact our team today.

Structural Foam Molding Troubleshooting: Common Problems and Their Solutions

Structural Foam Molding Troubleshooting: Common Problems and Their Solutions

While structural foam molding is a very popular manufacturing process, some common issues can pop up during production. Fortunately, an experienced structural foam molding partner will be able to easily overcome and resolve these issues. So, what does structural foam molding troubleshooting look like? Let’s explore the most common issues and how you can fix them.

Structural Foam Molding Troubleshooting Common Problems

Sink Marks

When one region of the product cools more slowly than others, thicker regions may result, known as sink marks. This commonly occurs when the inner core of the product cools too rapidly, leading to depressions on the part surface, however, it can also be a result of inadequate venting during the production process.


Warping refers to part deformation caused by non-uniform cooling. This common issue can pose large issues for companies, as it makes the part unsuitable for its intended purpose. Warping is typically caused by an improper cooling rate and poor mold design.

Issues with Part Filling

When the mold is not filled all the way, the part filling will not form as intended. This causes the part to miss sections, making the product impossible to use. Generally, issues with part filling are caused by improper ventilation and inadequate material flow during the production process.

Fixing Common Structural Foam Molding Issues

Sink Marks

In order to prevent sink marks, you will need to re-evaluate parts of your manufacturing process. The best way to fix these issues is to adjust the cooling process so each area of the product cools at the same rate. This can be accomplished by implementing cooling channels and ensuring your mold is designed properly and contains adequate venting channels.


Since warping is also caused by improper and non-uniform cooling, you will need to adjust your manufacturing process to ensure the cooling process is ideal. This includes managing the cooling temperatures, implementing strategic cooling channel placements, and employing support structures to prevent the material from sinking.

Issues with Part Filling

To resolve issues with part filling, it is important to pay close attention to the design of your molds. Ensuring proper gate design and location and improving the ventilation of the mold will help prevent the mold from filling improperly.

Port Erie is Here for All of Your Structural Foam Molding Troubleshooting

Port Erie Plastics has been providing structural foam molding and injection molding services since 1953. In those years, we have gained unparalleled experience in each process and are able to easily identify issues as soon as they arise and make the necessary adjustments so you don’t lose valuable time and money during your production process.

We will assign an experienced plastics engineer to your project who will help you with finding alternative plastics, designing for manufacturability, and making sure the manufacturing process is going smoothly. Our team can also help you with your warehousing and distribution needs. With our two 100,000-square-foot warehouses and 75,000-square-foot storage facility, we can help with your project from start to finish.

Are you ready to start your structural foam molding project? Contact our team today.

Exploring the Wide Variety of Structural Foam Products

Exploring the Wide Variety of Structural Foam Products

Due to the nature of the plastics used and the manufacturing process itself, structural foam products have many benefits. The structural foam molding process is a popular manufacturing method used to create large-tonnage products because it is a low-pressure process. It puts far less stress on the product being produced and reduces the risk of warpage and damage from the manufacturing process.

Due to the many advantages of this process, structural foam molding is used to create a wide range of products. From garden and lawn equipment to construction products, structural foam products are found everywhere.

Common Types of Structural Foam Products

Large-Tonnage Products

Due to the low-pressure process, large molds can easily be made with aluminum rather than steel since they do not need to be durable enough to withstand the high-pressure process of injection molding. Additionally, this process allows for the large-tonnage product to be created in a single mold run while also preventing damage.

Complex Designs

Again, the low-pressure structural foam molding process is beneficial, allowing for complex products to be produced with ease. The structural foam can reach every corner of the mold while being manufactured, allowing you to design complex parts without the worry that they won’t have the right amount of detail.

Some of Port Erie’s Structural Foam Products

HDPE Trench Drain

A client came to our team at Port Erie with a project for the construction industry. They were using straight injection molding to create large trench drains. Unfortunately, the injection-molded trench drains had long cycle times and had issues with warp.

Our engineering team worked to redesign the product to be created through structural foam molding. This led to a 20% part weight reduction, 40% cycle time reduction, and less warpage. If you are interested in learning more about this project, read our case study

Garden Carts and Lawn Equipment

Our team worked to create a large lawn cart through structural foam molding. Since lawn and garden equipment need to be durable enough to withstand chemicals, the elements, temperature variations, and the sun, the properties of structural foam molding were necessary for this project.


Choosing to use structural foam in pallets creates a durable, water-resistant, impact-resistant product. We have created plastic pallets for a number of companies using this manufacturing method. These structural foam molded plastics are durable and can be used for repeated use, however, they are also affordable.

Port Erie is Your Partner For Structural Foam Products

If you are looking for a partner to create your high-quality structural foam products, Port Erie is here to help. We have the equipment and capabilities to create large-tonnage products for various industries. From warehousing needs to construction to lawn equipment, we have the experience and the high-quality materials needed to get the job done.

In addition to our structural foam molding capabilities, we also have the ability to perform custom injection molding and automated injection molding. To support our manufacturing processes, our team offers exceptional secondary operations including assembly, fabrication, and decoration. Once your project is complete, we can also warehouse it for you and aid in distribution.

Additionally, to help cut turnaround times, we offer tooling and mold building services. In doing so, we can make any necessary changes to your molds or tooling without having to send them off to a different manufacturer, saving you time and money.

Are you ready to get started? Contact our team today.

What Are the Most Common Structural Foam Plastics?

What Are the Most Common Structural Foam Plastics?

As a popular manufacturing process, structural foam molding has become increasingly popular for creating large-tonnage plastic products. Structural foam plastic offers many benefits including design flexibility, high moldability, and durability. 

There are two common types of structural foam plastic used in this manufacturing process, each of which exhibits its own properties and benefits. Typically, customers choose from structural foam polyethylene or structural foam polypropylene depending on what characteristics they desire and need in their products. In this blog, we will explore each of these plastics and what they are best used for. 

Structural Foam Polyethylene

Polyethylene is the most commonly produced plastic. It is a durable, lightweight, closed-cell material that is found in many everyday household items as well as demanding applications.

Properties of Polyethylene

As a commonly produced plastic, polyethylene has many beneficial properties. This polymer exhibits good chemical, wear, and water resistance, as well as electrical insulation, good load bearing, and shock absorption. 

If you are interested in learning more about structural foam polyethylene in detail, check out our blog. 

Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Versus High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

There are two common types of polyethylene, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Each has its own applications and advantages, however, HDPE is typically what is used in structural foam molding. 


Low-density polyethylene exhibits low-temperature flexibility, toughness, and corrosion resistance. However, due to its low melting point, LDPE is not suitable for applications where temperature resistance and strength are required. LDPE is not suitable for structural foam molding due to its lack of strength. 


High-density polyethylene has a high melting point, high strength, good chemical resistance, and good crack resistance. Since this polymer exhibits such good physical properties, HDPE is ideal for applications where strength and durability are required, thus making it suitable for use in structural foam molding. 

Structural Foam Polypropylene

Polypropylene is a rigid, lightweight, closed-cell polymer that is commonly used in various industries, including consumer goods, automotive, medical, and more. This polymer is commonly used in structural foam molding because of its numerous beneficial properties. These benefits include toughness, flexibility, fatigue resistance, chemical resistance, high-temperature resistance, good electrical insulation, compression resistance, impact resistance, and moisture resistance.  

These properties allow for structural foam molded products made from polypropylene to be used in critical and demanding applications. These include applications that are primarily outside, under UV light, exposed to chemicals and weather, or in varying temperatures. 

If You Are Looking for Structural Foam Plastics, Turn to Port Erie

Since 1953 Port Erie has been creating high-quality structural foam plastics. We primarily work with HDPE and polypropylene to manufacture durable, cost-effective structural foam molded products. Our team has created structural foam molded products for lawn and garden applications, the construction industry, and many more. 

Not only do we have the ability to create structural foam molded products, but we also can create products through automated injection molding. We have automated robots that we use to create quality injection-molded products with minimal errors in an efficient timeline. Our team also has the ability to engineer and create tools and molds for both structural foam molding and injection molding products, so if changes need to be made, we can do that in-house. 

We also offer secondary operations including finishing and assembly, and warehousing and distribution. That way, your products can be stored and shipped directly from our manufacturing facility to ensure quick turnaround and delivery times. 

If you are ready to get started on your structural foam plastics project, contact our team today.

Structural Foam Polyethylene: Properties and Products

Structural Foam Polyethylene: Properties and Products

Polyethylene is a polymer commonly used in structural foam molding due to its various beneficial properties. Due to its affordability, easy availability, and numerous beneficial properties, this polymer is the most common type of consumer plastic and is used in everyday materials and products.

Properties of Structural Foam Polyethylene

Chemical Resistance

Polyethylene is resistant to many different chemical solvents, making it good for use in chemical, medical, automotive, and many other applications. This polymer is not affected by aqueous solutions of salts, acids, or alkalis.

Wear Resistance

Structural foam polyethylene is an extremely durable, high strength polymer, giving it the ability to be used in many applications in harsh environments. It is able to withstand harsh temperatures or applications in which the product may be subjected to physical stress.

Water Resistance

Since its molecules are so close together, polyethylene is very resistant to water. The material hardly absorbs any water, making it good for use in the food and beverage industry.

Electrical Insulation

Structural foam polyethylene does not conduct electricity well, making it a good insulator. So, if a durable plastic is needed for an application where conductivity is not required nor needed, polyethylene is a great option.

Good Physical Properties

In addition to all of its other great properties, polyethylene also has good load-bearing and shock absorption. These properties eliminate the impacts of friction and vibration on your product.

High-Density Polyethylene Also Offers Many Benefits

In addition to traditional polyethylene, you can also opt for High-Density Polyethylene, or HDPE. When compared to traditional polyethylene, HDPE is more flexible, but offers many of the same benefits, including:

  • Weatherproof
  • Affordable
  • Chemical resistance
  • Low moisture absorption
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Easy to fabricate and machine

Products That Are Created Using Structural Foam Polyethylene

Automotive Applications

With its corrosion resistance, wear resistance, shock absorption, and good load-bearing, polyethylene and HDPE are commonly used in the automotive industry. Common applications include bumpers and instrument panels.

Drain Pipes and Trench Drains

Drain pipes are responsible for facilitating the transfer of water from one place to another. This includes disposing of wastewater from buildings. Trench drains function in a similar way, however, they are responsible for the removal of excess surface water. Both drain pipes and trench drains can be created from HDPE and polyethylene.

At Port Erie, we helped one of our customers improve the manufacturing process for their trench drains. While they were previously using straight injection molding, they realized the process was taking too long and was yielding products with significant warp. When they brought their project to use, we decided to use structural foam HDPE to create a high-quality product that met all of their needs. Read more in our case study.


Certain flooring options can be created using structural foam polyethylene or HDPE, including the DuraTrac Floors. These temporary outdoor flooring solutions need to be durable, weatherproof, and have good wear resistance.

Lawn and Garden Carts and Equipment

Garden and lawn carts and equipment need to be durable, able to withstand the elements, and be resistant to certain chemicals found in plant food, weed killer, or pesticides. Luckily, polyethylene and HDPE are able to withstand the outdoor environment.

Pallets and Large Totes

Many pallets and large totes are created from plastic in order to be durable, easy to clean, and able to be reused. Polyethylene and HDPE are common choices here since these materials are so durable, water resistant, chemical resistant, and have good physical properties.

At Port Erie, we have created durable plastic pallets that are able to be used repeatedly. Our pallets weigh less than 16 lbs, are 9 legged, and can handle up to 2,000 lbs.

Create High-Quality Structural Foam Polyethylene Products with Port Erie

For more than 70 years, Port Erie Plastics has been creating high-quality structural foam and injection molded products for various industries. We have a combined 615,000 square feet of manufacturing and warehousing space to create and store your plastic projects.

We can create structural foam molded polyethylene products up to 7.5 feet in length and with a wall thickness from 0.200 inches to 0.500 inches. We can also create plastic products with our custom injection molding and automated injection molding processes.

We also have an in-house team of engineers to make sure that your design is optimized for manufacturability. Our in-house mold and tool building can help make your production more efficient. Once your project is complete, we can store it in our warehouse until you need it shipped.

Contact us today to get started!

Advantages of Structural Foam Molding You Should Consider

Advantages of Structural Foam Molding You Should Consider

Structural foam molding is a plastic manufacturing method that is used to create cost-effective, large-tonnage plastic products. During this process, nitrogen gas or a chemical blowing agent is mixed in with a melting polymer. This polymer mixture is then injected into a mold under low pressure. As the plastic touches the walls of the mold, it cools and solidifies, creating a product with a solid outer layer and a honeycomb-like interior.

The process of structural foam molding yields many benefits to both the manufacturer and the customer, including saving time and money on the process. Read on to explore many of the benefits this manufacturing process can offer if you need a large-tonnage plastic product.

What are the Advantages of Structural Foam Molding?

Easily Create Large Parts

If you have a large-tonnage plastic part or product that needs to be manufactured, the structural foam molding process may be the best option for you. Since the process is a low-pressure process, it requires less clamping force, allowing you to create tooling and molds from more cost-effective materials, such as aluminum. Additionally, the low-pressure process leads to less damage, meaning you don’t have to spend more time or money on rerunning machines.

Design Flexibility and Less Warpage

The low-pressure characteristic of the process makes the structural foam very easy to mold. Structural foam molding puts less stress on the product during its production, so it experiences significantly less damage than parts created through straight injection molding. With the reduced risk of damage, you can easily design and create a more complex mold that will maintain the desired shape of the finished product.

The low-pressure process also prevents warpage. There is less stress on the product during the production process, so it is less likely to warp or become damaged while being manufactured.

Multiple Molds Can Run at the Same Time

In addition to its ability to produce very large parts with ease, it is also possible to run multiple molds at the same time on the same machine with structural foam molding. Since it is a low-pressure process, these molds can run simultaneously without putting too much stress on the machines or the molds. Being able to run multiple molds at one time can save you both time and money on your manufacturing process.

Advantageous Physical Properties

Structural foam molded products have many desirable physical properties that make them ideal for use in many industries. These products have a high-strength-to-weight ratio, meaning they are lighter weight than straight injection molded, solid plastic products while still maintaining their strength and durability. They also exhibit good thermal stability and are able to withstand thermal expansion so they will not warp or lose their properties when exposed to extreme temperatures, making them ideal for hot and cold environments.

Experience the Advantages of Structural Foam Molding with Port Erie

At Port Erie Plastics, we have been manufacturing high-quality plastic products and parts for various industries for more than 70 years. With our combined 615,000 square feet of manufacturing and warehousing space, we have the ability to take on any of your plastic manufacturing projects.

Our structural foam molding capabilities allow us to produce polyethylene or polypropylene parts up to 7.5 feet in length and with a wall thickness from 0.200 inches to 0.500 inches. In addition to our structural foam molding capabilities, we also have the equipment needed to complete custom injection molding and automated injection molding, allowing us to take on all of your plastic manufacturing needs.

We don’t stop there, either. Our in-house team of engineers can help you make sure that your design is optimized for manufacturability. We also offer in-house mold and tool building so you can easily alter your design to make your production more efficient. Once your project is complete, we can warehouse your finished product if needed.

If you are ready to get started creating your structural foam molded product, contact us today!